Vanessa P.
Chair, Retailing and Tourism Management
- vpjackson@uky.edu
- (859) 257-7633
- (859) 257-1275
317 Erikson Hall
Lexington KY 40506 - Retailing and Tourism Management
- CV:
Professional Profile
Vanessa Prier Jackson is chair of the department of Retailing and Tourism Management at the University of Kentucky. She has served as chair for two years, and is a member of the faculty of records committee for the Honors program at the university. Her goal as chair is to provide and nurture transformative education for the leaders of tomorrow through support of experiential learning, study abroad and enhanced professional development for faculty and staff. Dr. Jackson’s current research focuses on the identification of soft skills students need to be competitive in the retailing and tourism management industry. This research seeks to determine what were the student, faculty, industry leaders and alumni perceived soft skills needed by students for their job performance and the extent to which students’ received these skills in college. The results of her research would help academicians and industry leaders create strategies to enhance students’ productivity in the world of work.
Dr. Jackson received her master’s and PhD from Michigan State University in Human Environment: Design and Management in 1998.
Course Instruction
- Research Methods
- Consumer Behavior
- Soft Skills Development
- Women in Leadership
Ph.D. Michigan State University, 1998 Human Environment and Design
M.S. Michigan State University,1993 Human Enironment and Design
B.S. Southern University,1977 Clothing and Textiles
Additional Information
Areas of Interest
- Student Experiential Learning
- Women in Leadership