Extension Specialist for Data Systems and Compliance
- leslie.mccammish@uky.edu
- (859) 257-2948 x80318
- (859) 257-2990
4071 Tates Creek Centre Drive, Suite 300
Lexington KY 40517 - Nutrition Education Program
Professional Profile
Leslie McCammish is an Extension Specialist with the Nutrition Education Program (NEP) at the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, specializing in Data Management and Compliance. In her role she manages four different state and federal software programs and databases gathering input from over 400 county agents and assistants across the state. She collaborates with the college to capture reach and programmatic impacts for the 2 nutrition grants, Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) & the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed). Leslie analyzes and compiles data, reporting to the college, state, county, USDA & NIFA.
Leslie also serves on several national committees with the USDA and NIFA. She is currently on the Beta team with NIFA working on their national evaluation software webNEERS, the ASNNA Evaluation Committee, the NPEARS Goals and Objectives committee and the EFNEP Feasibility and Testing Committee. She is also very active with in the college and state, currently serving as President of the Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals (KASEP), committee member on Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) and serving on the 2025 Extension Conference Planning Committee.
University of Kentucky
Animal Sciences
Areas of Interest