David Weisenhorn
Senior Extension Specialist

Professional Profile

David's extensive research and educational training in human development and family processes paired with his military and professional experience as an individual and family therapist provide him unique understanding and expertise of families. With his combined 30 years of training and experience working with families, David's primary focus is improving the quality of individual and family life through education, research, and outreach in the field of parenting and child development.

David's research interests focus on the family process, family protective factors, parenting, and healthy communication. His previous work and publications have examined fatherhood in the military, attitudes toward the use of corporal punishment, and protective factors against depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. His other life passions include his wife and two children, fly fishing, spending time outdoors, and growing in communion with others.


Family Sciences
University of Kentucky

Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Appalachian State University

Appalachian State University

Certified Family Life Educator - 2019 to present