The University of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Extension program works to improve the quality of individual and family life in the context of each Commonwealth community. FCS Extension professionals are present in all 120 counties to focus their efforts on educational skill-building to strengthen family development, economic stability and overall well-being of individuals and families. Through the annual Building Strong Families for Kentucky profiles, FCS Extension shares a picture of the economic and demographic characteristics of families in each county and reports the response of families to relevant programs provided by local FCS agents.
The profiles include six sections: Our Focus, Our People, Spotlight, Family Access, Community Availability and Food Assistance. Each section provides information that guides and informs educational outreach to local families. The 2014 profiles specifically focus on data related to current food access and food assistance.
All 121 profiles are available online at: From this site, you can access the introduction and overview that provides context and explanation for the profiles, the statewide profile sharing statewide data and accomplishments, and individual profiles for each of Kentucky’s 120 counties.
Posted 1/29/14