Last month, the University of Kentucky’s Iota Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron hosted their National Conclave in Lexington, Kentucky. The event was extremely successful and Adviser Louise Gladstone commended the work of the undergraduate and alumni chapter members. Monica Fowler, alumni chapter, served as Conclave Chair and guided the preparation and work of the alumni and collegiate members. Eleven collegiate members attended at least one portion of the Conclave and assisted throughout the meeting.

Mrs. Gladstone shared, “From the making of the baskets to the table decorations to the outstanding response for the service project to the initiation ceremony for our national honorary member, we had a wonderful time working together! There was great discussion and many ideas were generated at the meetings. Thanks to our photographers & videographers, Jake Hancock and Corey Shepherd, the events throughout Conclave were captured.”
The service project engaged Conclave attendees in assembling Hero Packs to distribute to children of deployed military members. Assembly took place the evening of September 30th and the Hero Packs were successfully distributed on October 1st during a final luncheon for the 2138th Unit of the Kentucky National Guard. One hundred and fifty children received Hero Packs at the event preceding the unit’s deployment to the Horn of Africa.
During Conclave, twelve 50-year members of the Iota Chapter were honored. (See photo below.) UK HES alumnus Marianne Smith Edge was initiated as a National Honorary Member of Phi Upsilon Omicron.
Phi Upsilon Omicron’s National Conclave is held biennially, and the Iota Chapter was honored to host this year’s event. The School of Human Environmental Sciences congratulates the Iota Chapter for hosting a successful, enjoyable event.