The Kentucky Operation: Military Kids Program has been busy this summer hosting several camps for military families. In early June, Mammoth Cave was the sight for the first of two family camps. There were 77 participants (19 families) in attendance as well as many volunteers. The volunteers represented organizations including Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Ft. Knox Child and Youth Services and UK Cooperative Extension.
The family camp drew attendees from across Kentucky and even a few from Tennessee. Activities included obstacle courses, canoeing and a tour of Mammoth Cave. One new activity was made possible through the generosity of the Lexington Vice Mayor’s office, Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association and Family and Consumer Sciences Extension staff. These generous donors provided t-shirts for each camper. Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Kentuckiana took care of screen printing the white shirts with a camp logo, and each camper received a t-shirt for a tie-dye event the first night of camp.
One camp parent stated, “This was an amazing bonding experience for us. We recently married and this was the first opportunity for us as a family to come together and have time for just us to grow closer. We are so appreciative for the opportunity especially since my husband deploys for the first time in September. Thanks again so much!”
A second family camp is planned for the first weekend in August. Additionally, a series of four Military-Extension Adventure Camps are being held, with one scheduled each month from June through September.