“Brothers at War,” a documentary film that explores the effects of war on troops and their families, will be shown at 7 p.m. EDT April 19 at the Center Theater at the University of Kentucky Student Center . A question-and-answer session with Jake Rademacher, the film’s director, producer and narrator, will follow.
The event is hosted by the UK Department of Family Studies and School of Human Environmental Sciences, who have initiated military support efforts. Both are a part of the UK College of Agriculture . It is free and open to the public.
For the film, Rademacher embedded with four U.S. combat units in Iraq in 2005 and 2006, including those of his brothers Capt. Isaac Rademacher and Sgt. Joseph Rademacher. The movie tells the story of the lives of soldiers in a war zone and their families dealing with their absence at home.
“I hope the movie helps students and community members become more aware of what it is like to be a soldier on the battlefield, the motivations behind their service, and some of the issues they encounter as they transition from war back to family life,” said Judy van de Venne, lecturer in the Department of Family Studies and UK Cooperative Extension specialist for military-related projects.