Dr. Kwaku Addo, Associate Professor, has been appointed Interim Chair for the Merchandising Apparel and Textiles (MAT) Department. Prior to his appointment, Dr. Addo served for eight years as Associate Dean for Recruitment and Multicultural Affairs in the Graduate School at UK. This year will be the twentieth year as a faculty member in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science.
Through his years of experience, Dr. Addo has gained many leadership skills that will serve him well. A native of the West African nation of Ghana, Addo is well known for his research related to food product development and cereal chemistry, his commitment to diversity, and his international work.
Since 2004, Dr. Addo has annually led a three-week study tour to Ghana for students at UK. The study tour includes four weeks of preparatory work on-campus prior to the trip abroad. The trip provides a rich cultural experience with visits encompassing various sectors of the Ghanian economy as well as village life.
While in Ghana, students see first-hand the Addo family commitment to helping others with a visit to the Kentucky Academy kindergarten in Adjeikrom. Founded in 2000 by Dr. Addo and his wife, Esther, this kindergarten school in Esther's home village has been transformed through linkages established by Dr. Addo.
As a faculty member, Dr. Addo is highly respected at UK. He has three times been recognized for his commitment to diversity through the President's Awards for Diversity at UK. Contributions to the university are evidenced by his service on committees at the department, college and university level during his tenure as a faculty member.
In his new role as interim department chair, he will provide leadership for the merger of the Hospitality Management and Tourism (HMT) and MAT programs. His main vision for the future is to, "Promote a strong department with a student-centered focus that is also service oriented. This department will be committed to high quality undergraduate and graduate education through research, teaching and service."