"Your problems pale in comparison with those of the millions of people in the world who do not have enough to eat."
- Michael Johnson
There are many of us who live a life day to day that is consumed with one subject in mind: you. There are not many who can say, "I live a life for others." In the School of Human Environmental Sciences at the University of Kentucky there is a group who is living for others. Since 2004 UK students and faculty led by Dr. Kwaku Addo, have been taking three-week excursions to Ghana every summer to learn about culture, hunger, and how UK students and faculty can make a difference in the lives of others.
Recently the Kentucky Academy was established in Adjeikrom, Ghana. However, one main problem soon became apparent: students at the academy had no where to eat their lunch. This year, the Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association supported the establishment of the Dining Pavilion by raising money for construction and materials. Now the pavilion, dedicated to KEHA, serves as a nice shelter for students to enjoy their food at lunchtime.
A kitchen, dedicated to Janet and Doug Mullins, was built in the KEHA Dining Pavilion. This kitchen will be put to good and frequent use in the near future due to funds that the UK Student Dietetic Association (UKSDA) and Janet and Doug have raised. Starting in January 2011, this money will be put towards a program that ensures a meal everyday for students at the Kentucky Academy.
Working with faculty at University of Ghana, menus will be developed to improve the nutritional content of the food available to Ghanaian students. For now, the majority of daily caloric intake is coming from rice and similar starches. The picture is an example of the typical meal served to students on a daily basis. UK faculty and students will collaborate with University of Ghana to improve nutrient intake and develop educational programs for mothers about good nutrition for their children.
To be a part of next year's effort, whether you want to donate or go on the trip, find out more information by contacting Dr. Kwaku Addo at 859-257-7784 or kaddo01@uky.edu. For more information on Education Abroad at UK, contact Janet Roccanova at 859-257-4067, ext. 229 or roccanova@uky.edu.