Fruit and VegetablesNational Nutrition Month is a time of year which reminds us of the importance of good nutrition, making healthy choices by eating smart and adding more physical activity into our daily routine. This educational and informational campaign was created by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and is celebrated each March.

 The ADA makes the following suggestions for a healthier diet and lifestyle:

  • Focus on fruits and vegetables. Whether you are buying frozen, fresh, or organic, adding more of these foods into your diet is important. To make it easier, try adding one serving into one meal, and increase it after a few weeks.

    Buy locally. From farmer’s markets to community-supported agriculture, you have many options to find new, fresh foods in your area. This not only encourages healthful eating but supports your local community.

  • Make calories count. Sometimes foods with fewer calories aren’t always the healthiest options—focus instead on the nutrients and vitamins in the food. To figure out how many calories you need to achieve a healthy weight, visit

  • Test your taste buds. A healthy eating plan emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy and includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans and nuts. Don’t be afraid to try new things and you may discover you like it!

  • Trick yourself with treats. You can still eat sweets if you are maintaining a healthful diet. Try fruit and yogurt instead of chocolate, or trail mix for an afternoon snack
For more information on National Nutrition Month, visit the American Dietetic Association website at
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