On April 29, 2009, UK students displayed their research and creative works at the 4th Annual Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars. The purpose of the showcase is for UK students to illustrate their projects, research, creativity, and talent. Students prepare research posters for the annual event, as well as give oral presentations, dance performances, and display their artwork.
Students in Special Problems in Food and Nutrition (NFS-591), a capstone class in the Nutrition & Food Science department, conducted research and developed showcase posters. The research projects covered a variety of topics such as caffeine consumption, campus dining v. off-campus dining, fast food intake, and the effects of energy drink consumption on risky behavior. Tammy Stephenson, a lecturer for the department, teaches NFS-591. "The showcase is a great platform for our human nutrition majors to demonstrate to the campus community the innovative, current, and important research that is being conducted in the department," said Stephenson. "This unique experience also allows students the opportunity to participate in a professional poster session, something that better prepares them for professional school and their future careers."
Students in dietetic and hospitality management are also participating in the
showcase. Quantity Food Production (NFS-342) teaches the principles and procedures of quality, quantity food preparation, and hospitable service in a nutritious and safe manner. All students are required to work in the Lemon Tree Restaurant, and they annually prepare the food for the showcase reception. To do this successfully, students had to create a menu, figure the cost per serving, determine how to present the dish, and decide how best to follow food safety and sanitation methods.
Last year the 3rd Annual Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars saw tremendous growth in student participation and public attendance, and this year had an even greater turnout. For more information on the Annual Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars, please visit http://www.uky.edu/academy/UGResearch/.
eUreKa! (Experiences in Undergraduate Research and Kreative Activities) coordinates many of the programs at UK which encourage and support undergraduate research, scholarship, and creativity. For more information on eUreKa!, go to http://www.uky.edu/academy/UGResearch/.