The nation’s poor economy has been a challenge for many Kentuckians, and making informed financial decisions can help stretch one’s dollar. Because the UK Cooperative Extension Service recognizes the need for Kentuckians to access up-to-date information on financial decisions, a website has been created at to provide information and aids for financial decisions, including financial calculators.
Local county extension agents are also available for help. Crystal Osborne of Lee County and Agriculture Agent Ted Johnson created the MoneyWise newsletter to reach local citizens who were interested in hearing about financial strategies. The monthly newsletter includes tips on low-cost and no-cost ways to save on energy and groceries.
In addition to the newsletter, Osborne has been focusing her programming on ways to spend wisely and has been teaching classes throughout the community. “It is more important than ever that we offer clientele the resources they need to survive during these difficult economic conditions,” said Osborne.
Marisa Aull, Jessamine County FCS Agent, has also been creating unique programming opportunities related to the economic situation. In addition to distributing information on basic budgeting, Aull has included career planning and development into her programming. For example, a resume writing workshop is planned for May and a program called “What NOT To Wear…to a Job Interview” was created. Financial Literacy series are also being done with the local Family Resource Centers and will be repeated as needed.
“We have always done programs on financial management and saving money long-term,” Aull stated, “but now we need to get back to basics, like smart grocery shopping and how to save on your utility bills. We need to think outside the box.”Aull also distributes packets of information to those recently unemployed about how to handle losing your job, and what local and state-wide resources are available if this happens to you.
For more information on financial literacy and resources, contact your local FCS agent or visit