Engaging in research and discovery is an important part of the mission of the School of Human Environmental Sciences. On April 1, 2016, the School recognized student’s excellent research by holding the third Graduate Student Research Day (GSRD). Sponsored by the Research Center for Families and Children, graduate students in the three academic departments of the School were invited to submit research posters for review and presentation.
Twelve outstanding graduate student research posters were submitted and displayed on the third floor of Funkhouser Building. Students were present to discuss their work for a one hour poster session on April 1. A full listing of research posters is included below.
As part of the research day, a faculty committee selected and acknowledged three exceptional research posters. The authors of the winning posters gave oral presentations of their research during a seminar session, in addition to receiving certificates and cash awards.
Those winners were:
- Alyson Humphrey and Emily Dickens, master’s students, Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition: “Senior Knowledge, Attitude and Barriers Addressing Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Findings from the Color Your Plate nutrition education intervention.”
- Ilya Okhotnikov, doctoral student, Department of Family Sciences: “Dyadic Analyses of Couples’ Daily Reports of Love and Sexual Satisfaction.”
- Jeanne Badgett, Behnoosh Farashahi and Katie Hahnel, master’s students, Department of Retailing and Tourism Management: “Evaluating Laundry Myths.”
Recipients of the Alice P. Killpatrick Fellowship were also invited to submit a poster and/or give oral presentations of their research. This distinguished fellowship is awarded only to students who have potential for academic and professional excellence that exhibit citizenship and leadership qualities. Four Killpatrick Fellows joined in the graduate seminar, three of which gave presentations.
Those students were:
- Lekpoh Dwanyen, master’s student, Department of Family Sciences: "Postpartum Depression: The Effects of a Video Intervention on Knowledge and Stigma."
- Luisyana Gamboa, master’s student, Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition: “Important Factors in Hispanics Perceptions, Benefits and Barriers of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.”
- Shu-Feng Tsao, master’s student, Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition: “How farmers' markets benefit older adults and compare to farmers' markets in different countries."
- Emma Simpson, master’s student, Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition: “Perceived Stress, Caffeine Consumption, and GPA of Undergraduate Students at a Large Public University.”
We congratulate all the students for their excellent work.
Research posters:
- Ashton, E., Stephenson, T., Webber, K. & Brewer, D. (2016). The Effects of a 16-Week Introductory Nutrition Course on the Dietary Habits and Body Composition of College Students.
- Badgett, J, Behnoosh F., & Hahnel, K. (2016). Evaluating laundry myths.
- Butterworth, B. (2016). A qualitative study of the perceived causes of obesity in rural Kentucky.
- Clark, H., Gantz, X., Lee, H. Y., & Taheri, F. (2016). Negativity bias theory on online reviews.
- Dickens, E., Brewer, D., & Stephenson, T. (2016). Color Your Plate: A pilot nutrition education intervention to increase fruit and vegetable intake among older adults participating in the congregate meal site program in Kentucky senior centers.
- Hahnel, K., Roberts, T., & Morris, M. (2016). An exploration of the advancement of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and its application to consumer research.
- Humphrey, A., Dickens, E., Brewer, D., Stephenson, T., & Gaetke, L. (2016). Senior knowledge, attitude and barriers addressing fruit and vegetable intake: findings from the Color Your Plate nutrition education intervention.
- Morris, M. (2016). Women’s fashion involvement and the media.
- Mark, K. P., & Okhotnikov, I. A. (2016). Dyadic analyses of couples’ daily reports of love and sexual satisfaction.
- Sanbe, O. Y. (2016). Impact of Climate Change on Food Security in Lagos State, Nigeria.
- Taheri, F. (2016). Online customer review in B&Bs.
- Zhang, Q., & Kim, H. (2016). Promoting financial health: helping couples reconcile financial disagreement for emotional fitness.

Participants and reviewers gather at the winning posters.

Badgett, Behnoosh & Hahnel present their “Evaluating Laundry Myths” to the crowd.