Dr. Kwaku AddoThe LEAD 21 (Leadership for the 21st Century) program combines leadership with academics, research, and extension.  Only seventy-five participants are selected each year, and Dr. Kwaku Addo, Associate Professor in Nutrition and Food Science, will be part of the 2010 class for this leadership program. 

The program is designed to develop leaders from land grant institutions like the University of Kentucky.  Some of the curriculum goals are to enhance skills and knowledge in nine leadership competencies, to develop a peer leadership network, and to implement an individual leadership development process.

Dr. Addo's current instructional and advising responsibilities include teaching undergraduate nutrition and dietetics courses and supervising graduate student research in the college. He has been recognized for outstanding teaching by the University of Kentucky. Dr. Addo starts the program in June 2010. 

We congratulate Dr. Addo on his selection!