You make a difference for the children in your life. Research reminds us that reading, communicating, and nurturing children lead to their success in school. Plan to cuddle and read to infants and children each day.
Choose books that are age appropriate. Books for infants and toddlers should have cardboard or fabric pages. For young children, select stories about real life situations that contain simple words. Use the local library to access a wide variety of books, and tapes for children and adults.
As we find ourselves frequently in the car, use travel time to sing songs and rhymes, play games and talk with your child. The Traveling Light materials provide songs and rhymes for your family to enjoy.
Find time to talk by limiting screen time in front of television and computers to two hours or less each day. Engage children in household activities such as preparing healthy snacks and following recipes. Use books to introduce art activities, healthy eating or physical activities that relate to the stories that you have read. Try to have a family meal with relaxed conversation several times each week.