Computer Support Specialist II
- brian.fitzpatrick@uky.edu
- (859) 257-9408
102-E Erikson Hall
Lexington KY 40506-0050 - Family and Consumer Sciences Extension
Professional Profile
Brian Fitzpatrick joined Family and Consumer Sciences Extension in 1989 as a student worker, then later as a full time Programmer / Systems Analyst. He provided technical support for state specialists and staff, assist with software development and to provide support for the Expanded Food and Nutrtion Education Program reporting system software used by the Expanded Food and Nutriiton Program (EFNEP). During this time he developed several educational games for use by specialists for exhibits and maintained the diet analysis software ("Diet Inspector") used by program assistants.
During the 1990s he developed web sites for both Family and Consumer Sciences Extension and 4-H Youth Development. He also assisted 4-H Youth Development with their youth reporting software developed by Martech systems and provided some technical support to their staff and state specialists.
When Family and Consumer Sciences Extension became part of the School of Human Environmental Sciences, he became part of the School Aministration. He now provides technical support for both School Administration and FCS Extension, maintains the School website and the FCS website, conducts software training for the faculty and staff of the School, provides support for the Nutrition Education Programs state staff, provides support for the Nutrition Education Evaluation and Reporting System (NEERS) for NEP Assistants, manages computer security.
Univerity of Kentucky
Computer Science
Univerity of Kentucky
Comptuer Science